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Bridging the Bay – Fall 2017!

Come join us on Saturday, November 4 for the 9th Annual Bridging the Bay conference at Chabot College. To register, click here.

Eva will be hosting: “You Can’t Teach the Head if You Haven’t Captured the Heart.”
A large part of SEL centers on a young person’s ability to identify their own strengths and areas for growth. Allowing youth (and the staff who work with them) space and time to explore how they can expand their SEL skill set is an essential form of Youth Voice and Leadership – the two go directly hand-in-hand. Participants will use Spark Decks’ “Building Social and Emotional Skills” deck to develop ideas for encouraging staff and youth skill development in areas such as Growth Mindset, Interpersonal Skills, Social Awareness, Self-Management, and Self-Awareness, and will create a plan for bringing what they have learned back to their programs.

Oscar will be hosting:  “Creating a Space where Deep Conversations Thrive.”
In this workshop we will share and model a variety of strategies and practices that staff can use to encourage deep and meaningful thought and reflection and promote conversations in all youth, not just those that are more extroverted or have a stronger command of the English language. Using the Spark Deck philosophy of ongoing reflection and modification, we encourage staff to explore their own creativity and leadership, a prerequisite for bringing these qualities into the classroom.