Register now for the FREE Summer Matters Leadership Conference – January 16, 2015
Please join us as we present four workshops at The Summer Matters Leadership Conference on January 16!
This annual conference hosted by Summer Matters is designed for program directors, site coordinators, and administrators in summer programs throughout the Bay Area – and is FREE!
At the conference, Eva will lead a workshop on Supporting Staff Learning on the Job that will use the Try This Today deck to help you identify the critical topics and concepts to cover during Summer Professional Development and learn teaching strategies that increase staff engagement and learning retention.
Her workshop on Communicating the Common Core and Habits of Mind will help you map what you are already doing in your programs to the language used in the CC and the Habits of Mind.
In his workshop Sparking a Love of Literacy in Summer Programming, Oscar will use the Common Core Language Arts for Early Elementary deck to allow you to learn and practice twelve Common Core literacy activities that are hands-on, easy to implement, and fun. You’ll also learn three key techniques that staff can use to build youth interest and fluency in Common Core literacy standards such as collaborative conversations.
His workshop Transform Continuous Quality Improvement from a Chore to a Game will increase your understanding of the dynamics that lead to staff engagement and buy-in towards program improvement efforts. You’ll also learn and practice three “games” that will enable you to facilitate a process to set, measure, and reflect on program improvement goals.